1. Hisayoshi Muramatsu, “Quasi-periodic Disturbance Observer for Wideband Harmonic Suppression,” arXiv, arXiv:2406.00362, Jun. 2024.
    [arXiv (Open Access)]
    title={Quasi-periodic Disturbance Observer for Wideband Harmonic Suppression},
    author={Hisayoshi Muramatsu},
  2. Hisayoshi Muramatsu, Keigo Kitagawa, Jun Watanabe, Yuika Yoshimoto, and Ryohei Hisashiki, “A Mobile Quad-Arm Robot ARMS: Wheeled-Legged Tripedal Locomotion and Quad-Arm Loco-Manipulation,” arXiv, arXiv:2305.01406, May 2023.
    [arXiv (Open Access)]
    title={A Mobile Quad-Arm Robot ARMS: Wheeled-Legged Tripedal Locomotion and Quad-Arm Loco-Manipulation},
    author={Hisayoshi Muramatsu and Keigo Kitagawa and Jun Watanabe and Yuika Yoshimoto and Ryohei Hisashiki},
  3. Hisayoshi Muramatsu, Yoshihiro Itaguchi, Chiharu Yamada, Hiroshi Yoshizawa, and Seiichiro Katsura, “Direct Comparisons of Upper-limb Motor Learning Performance among Three Types of Haptic Guidance with Non-assisted Condition in Spiral Drawing Task,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 32, pp. 2545-2552, Jul. 2024.
    [IEEE Xplore (Open Access)][DOI:10.1109/TNSRE.2024.3427319][Research Gate]
    author={Muramatsu, Hisayoshi and Itaguchi, Yoshihiro and Yamada, Chiharu and Yoshizawa, Hiroshi and Katsura, Seiichiro},
    journal={IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering},
    title={Direct Comparisons of Upper-limb Motor Learning Performance among Three Types of Haptic Guidance with Non-assisted Condition in Spiral Drawing Task},
    month = {Jul}}
    AbstractIn robot-assisted rehabilitation, it is unclear which type of haptic guidance is effective for regaining motor function because of the lack of direct comparisons among multiple types of haptic guidance. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of different types of haptic guidance on upper limb motor learning in a spiral drawing task. Healthy young participants performed two experiments in which they practiced the drawing movement using a robotic manipulandum with a virtual wall (Path guidance), running direction pushing and virtual wall (Path & Push guidance), restriction to the target movement (Target guidance), or without haptic guidance (Free guidance). Experiment 1 compared the learning effects of the four types of guidance. Experiment 2 investigated the effects of pre-learning with Path, Path & Push, or Target guidance on post-learning with Free guidance. In Experiment 1, Free guidance demonstrated the greatest learning effect, followed by Path guidance, which showed a significantly greater improvement in task performance than the other two types of guidance. In Experiment 2, the type of pre-learning did not influence post-learning with Free guidance. The results suggested that learning with Path guidance showed a slightly slower but comparable effect to Free guidance and was the most effective among the three types of haptic guidance. The superiority of Path guidance over other haptic guidance was interpreted within the framework of error-based learning, in which the intensity of sensory feedback and voluntary motor control play important roles.
  4. Hisayoshi Muramatsu and Masaki Hino, “Control of Prioritized and Separated Periodic/Aperiodic Task,” IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 33393-33400, Apr. 2023.
    [IEEE Xplore (Open Access)][DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3263947][Research Gate]
    author={Muramatsu, Hisayoshi and Hino, Masaki},
    journal={IEEE Access},
    title={Control of Prioritized and Separated Periodic/Aperiodic Task},
    month = {Apr.}}
    AbstractRobots are typically expected to perform multiple tasks. For realizing multiple tasks using multi-degrees-of-freedom of a robot, priority control was developed. The priority control prioritizes conflicting tasks by projecting lower-priority task velocity into a null space of higher-priority task spaces. Similarly, for realizing two tasks on a single-degree-of-freedom of a robot, periodic/aperiodic separation control was developed. The periodic/aperiodic separation control separates a state into quasi-periodic and quasi-aperiodic states and feedback controls them separately. Thus, the priority control and periodic/aperiodic separation control realize multiple tasks in a different manner, and this paper proposes an integration of them to increase the number of simultaneously realized multiple tasks. Furthermore, this study analyzed the stability and conducted experiments to validate the proposed method. In the experiments, the proposed method achieved to increase the number of realizable tasks from six to nine by performing the quasi-periodic and quasi-aperiodic tasks in addition to prioritized tasks.
  5. Hiroki Tanaka and Hisayoshi Muramatsu, “Infinite-Impulse-Response Periodic-Disturbance Observer for Harmonics Elimination with Wide Band-Stop Bandwidths,” Mechanical Engineering Journal, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 22-00362-22-00362, Mar. 2023.
    [J-STAGE (Open Access)][DOI: 10.1299/mej.22-00362][Research Gate]
    title={Infinite-impulse-response periodic-disturbance observer for harmonics elimination with wide band-stop bandwidths},
    author={Hiroki TANAKA and Hisayoshi MURAMATSU},
    journal={Mechanical Engineering Journal},
    month = {Apr.}}
    AbstractRepetitive motions of automatic machines induce a periodic disturbance, and the periodic disturbance deteriorates precision of motion control of the machines. A periodic-disturbance observer (PDOB) was proposed to suppress the periodic disturbance, but variation of the periodic disturbance frequency deteriorates the periodic disturbance suppression because its band-stop bandwidths in the sensitivity function for harmonics elimination are narrow. This paper proposes an infinite impulse response (IIR)-PDOB. The IIR-filter realizes wider frequency bandwidths in the sensitivity function than the PDOB, which achieves robustness against the variation of the periodic disturbance frequency. We confirmed that the IIR-PDOB was robust against the variation of the periodic disturbance frequency using a parallel robot.
  6. Hisayoshi Muramatsu and Shuntaro Yamato, “Harmonics Elimination by Periodic/Aperiodic Separation Filter for Chatter Detection,” Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 64–71, Mar. 2023.
    author={Muramatsu, Hisayoshi and Yamato, Shuntaro},
    journal={Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers},
    title={Harmonics Elimination by Periodic/Aperiodic Separation Filter for Chatter Detection},
    AbstractProcess harmonics often need to be eliminated for accurate regenerative chatter diagnosis. To eliminate the harmonics with many band-stop characteristics, this paper uses a periodic/aperiodic separation filter (PASF) and proposes a chatter detection algorithm based on the PASF. The PASF can design the cutoff frequency and time constant, directly, and the high-order PASF improves the harmonics elimination performance without deteriorating chatter signal extraction performance. The experiments validated the proposed algorithm under several conditions of spindle speeds, cutting types, thresholds, and cutoff frequencies. Their results showed the robustness of the proposed chatter detection algorithm against the threshold selection and change of cutting conditions.
  7. Hisayoshi Muramatsu, Yoshihiro Itaguchi, and Seiichiro Katsura, “Involuntary Stabilization in Discrete-Event Physical Human-Robot Interaction,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 576–587, Jan. 2023.
    [IEEE Xplore][DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2022.3184960][arXiv (Open Access)]
    author={Muramatsu, Hisayoshi and Itaguchi, Yoshihiro and Katsura, Seiichiro},
    journal={IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems},
    title={Involuntary Stabilization in Discrete-Event Physical Human–Robot Interaction},
    month = {Jan.},
    AbstractRobots are used by humans not only as tools but also to interactively assist and cooperate with humans, thereby forming physical human-robot interactions. In these interactions, there is a risk that a feedback loop causes unstable force interaction, in which force escalation exposes a human to danger. Previous studies have analyzed the stability of voluntary interaction but have neglected involuntary behavior in the interaction. In contrast to the previous studies, this study considered the involuntary behavior: a human's force reproduction bias for discrete-event human-robot force interaction. We derived an asymptotic stability condition based on a mathematical bias model and found that the bias asymptotically stabilizes a human's implicit equilibrium point far from the implicit equilibrium point and destabilizes the point near the point. The bias model, convergence of the interaction toward the implicit equilibrium point, and divergence around the point were consistently verified via behavioral experiments under three kinds of interactions using three different body parts: a hand finger, wrist, and foot. Our results imply that humans implicitly secure a stable and close relationship between themselves and robots with their involuntary behavior.
  8. Hisayoshi Muramatsu, “Separation and Estimation of Periodic/Aperiodic State,” Automatica, vol. 140, p. 110263, Jun. 2022.
    [Automatica][DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2022.110263][arXiv (Open Access)][Research Gate]
    author = {Hisayoshi Muramatsu},
    title = {Separation and estimation of periodic/aperiodic state},
    journal = {Automatica},
    volume = {140},
    month = {Jun.},
    year = {2022}}
    AbstractPeriodicity and aperiodicity can exist in a state simultaneously and typically become quasi-periodicity and quasi-aperiodicity in a dynamically changing state. The quasi-periodic and quasi-aperiodic states existing in the periodic/aperiodic state mostly correspond to different phenomena and require different controls. For separation control of these states, this paper defines the periodic/aperiodic, quasi-periodic, and quasi-aperiodic states to construct a periodic/aperiodic separation filter that separates the periodic/aperiodic state into the quasi-periodic and quasi-aperiodic states. Based on these definitions, the linearity of periodic-pass and aperiodic-pass functions and the orthogonality of quasi-periodic and quasi-aperiodic state functions are proved. Subsequently, the periodic/aperiodic separation filter composed of periodic-pass and aperiodic-pass filters that realize the periodic-pass and aperiodic-pass functions is designed and integrated with a Kalman filter for estimation of the quasi-periodic and quasi-aperiodic states.
  9. Xiao Feng, Hisayoshi Muramatsu, and Seiichiro Katsura, “Differential Evolutionary Algorithm with Local Search for the Adaptive Periodic-Disturbance Observer Adjustment,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 12504–12512, Dec. 2021.
    [IEEE Xplore][DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2020.3040664][Research Gate]
    author={Feng, Xiao and Muramatsu, Hisayoshi and Katsura, Seiichiro},
    journal={IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics},
    title={Differential Evolutionary Algorithm With Local Search for the Adaptive Periodic-Disturbance Observer Adjustment},
    month = {Dec.},
    year = {2021}}
    AbstractPeriodic disturbances occur during repetitive operations, and compensation for the periodic disturbances is an important issue to realize precise machine works because the periodic disturbances deteriorate the control precision. In addition, the periodic disturbance becomes a frequency-varying periodic disturbance when the periodicity of the operations changes, which makes the compensation difficult. To eliminate the frequency-varying periodic disturbance, an adaptive periodic-disturbance observer (APDOB) was proposed. However, the APDOB has a problem that the design of the APDOB is complicated with six design parameters. This article proposes a differential evolutionary algorithm with local search that optimizes the six design parameters of the APDOB for the optimal frequency-varying periodic disturbance compensation. The proposed method based on a memetic algorithm framework can explore globally using the differential evolutionary algorithm and explore locally using the local search including the Lévy flight. Moreover, the proposed method can reduce the number of the design parameters.
  10. Hisayoshi Muramatsu, Yuta Kakimi, Issei Takeuchi, and Seiichiro Katsura, “Package Leak Detection Based on Aperiodic Anomaly Extraction,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 363–370, Jul. 2021.
    [IEEE Xplore][DOI: 10.1109/JESTIE.2021.3056692][Research Gate]
    author={Muramatsu, Hisayoshi and Kakimi, Yuta and Takeuchi, Issei and Katsura, Seiichiro},
    journal={IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics},
    title={Package Leak Detection Based on Aperiodic Anomaly Extraction},
    month = {Jul.},
    year = {2021}}
    AbstractFoods are essential for our society, and they are transported and delivered after packaging to avoid contamination and deterioration of freshness. Nevertheless, there is a package leak problem in automatic packaging processes that would risk impairing human health. In order to protect human health and guarantee the reliability of the industrial automatic food production, automatic leak testing is necessary for all packages. This article developed a package leak tester and proposed an aperiodic anomaly test using the tester to detect the package leaks automatically. The developed package leak tester realized accurate reaction force measurement enabling accurate leak detection, and the proposed aperiodic anomaly test using an aperiodic derivative of the reaction force based on a leaking package model achieved robust leak detection against disturbances. The package leak tester and the aperiodic anomaly test were validated by testing 10 000 package data randomly generated by 388 experimental package data.
  11. Hisayoshi Muramatsu and Seiichiro Katsura, “Periodic/Aperiodic Motion Control Using Periodic/Aperiodic Separation Filter,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 9, pp. 7649–7658, Sep. 2020.
    [IEEE Xplore (Open Access)][DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2019.2942535][Research Gate]
    author={Muramatsu, Hisayoshi and Katsura, Seiichiro},
    journal={IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics},
    title={Periodic/Aperiodic Motion Control Using Periodic/Aperiodic Separation Filter},
    month = {Sep.},
    year = {2020}}
    AbstractMotion control is a fundamental technique used in automated mechanical systems. Classically, velocity, force, and impedance are controlled in motion control systems, but simultaneous control is difficult. This article proposes periodic/aperiodic (P/A) motion control based on periodicity and aperiodicity of motion. The P/A motion control separately applies different control methods to P/A motions using P/A velocity and P/A force, which are extracted using a periodic/aperiodic separation filter (PASF) from velocity and force. Accordingly, six types of P/A motion controls are constructed in this article, which correspond to different combinations of the P/A velocity, P/A force, and P/A impedance controls. To construct the P/A motion control systems, acceleration control based on a disturbance observer is used. The ACS, which rejects disturbances, enables the P/A motion control design to ignore disturbances. The experiments were conducted to validate the six P/A motion controls, which simultaneously realized two P/A motion control objectives.
  12. Hisayoshi Muramatsu and Seiichiro Katsura, “An Enhanced Periodic-Disturbance Observer for Improving Aperiodic-Disturbance Suppression Performance,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 177–184, Mar. 2019.
    [J-STAGE (Open Access)][DOI: 10.1541/ieejjia.8.177][Research Gate]
    title={An Enhanced Periodic-Disturbance Observer for Improving Aperiodic-Disturbance Suppression Performance},
    author={Hisayoshi Muramatsu and Seiichiro Katsura},
    journal={IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications},
    month = {Mar.},
    AbstractRepetitive operations are widely conducted by automatic machines in the industry, and the periodic disturbances induced by such operations are a concern as they hinder the proper functioning of these machines. A periodic-disturbance observer (PDOB) has been studied previously to compensate for the periodic disturbances. This observer is a two-degree-of-freedom controller based on the observer structure estimating a periodic disturbance. However, the PDOB does not take aperiodic disturbances into account because it focuses only on periodic disturbances. This paper proposes an enhanced PDOB to enable the PDOB also to compensate for aperiodic disturbances. The enhanced PDOB is constructed by combining the PDOB and disturbance observer. Experiments were conducted using a multi-axis manipulator to compare the PDOB with the enhanced PDOB. The experimental results demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.
  13. Hisayoshi Muramatsu and Seiichiro Katsura, “Separated Periodic/Aperiodic State Feedback Control Using Periodic/Aperiodic Separation Filter Based on Lifting,” Automatica, vol. 101, pp. 458–466, Mar. 2019.
    [Automatica][DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2018.12.023][Research Gate]
    author = {Hisayoshi Muramatsu and Seiichiro Katsura},
    title = {Separated periodic/aperiodic state feedback control using periodic/aperiodic separation filter based on lifting},
    journal = {Automatica},
    volume = {101},
    issn = {0005-1098},
    pages = {458-466},
    month = {Mar.},
    year = {2019}}
    AbstractAutomatic machines have recently advanced into diverse environments. A periodic state and an aperiodic state of the system usually have different physical meanings and require different control objectives in the diverse environments. To enable a new control approach based on the periodic and aperiodic states for the different control objectives, a periodic/aperiodic separation filter (PASF) that separates a state into a periodic state and an aperiodic state is proposed in this paper. Furthermore, using the PASF, the periodic/aperiodic state feedback control and the separation principle are established.
  14. Hisayoshi Muramatsu and Seiichiro Katsura, “An Adaptive Periodic-Disturbance Observer for Periodic-Disturbance Suppression,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 4446–4456, Oct. 2018.
    [IEEE Xplore][arXiv (Open Access)][DOI: 10.1109/TII.2018.2804338][Research Gate]
    author={Muramatsu, Hisayoshi and Katsura, Seiichiro},
    journal={IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics},
    title={An Adaptive Periodic-Disturbance Observer for Periodic-Disturbance Suppression},
    month = {Oct.},
    AbstractRepetitive operations are widely conducted by automatic machines in industry. Periodic disturbances induced by the repetitive operations must be compensated to achieve precise functioning. In this paper, a periodic-disturbance observer (PDOB) based on the disturbance observer (DOB) structure is proposed. The PDOB compensates a periodic disturbance including the fundamental wave and harmonics by using a time-delay element. Furthermore, an adaptive PDOB is proposed for the compensation of frequency-varying periodic disturbances. An adaptive notch filter is used in the adaptive PDOB to estimate the fundamental frequency of the periodic disturbance. Simulations compare the proposed methods with a repetitive controller and the DOB. Practical performances are validated in experiments using a multiaxis manipulator. The proposal provides a new framework based on the DOB structure to design controllers using a time-delay element.
  15. Hisayoshi Muramatsu and Seiichiro Katsura, “Design of an Infinite-Order Disturbance Observer Enhancing Disturbance Suppression Performance,” IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 192–198, May 2017.
    [J-STAGE (Open Access)][DOI: 10.1541/ieejjia.6.192][Research Gate]
    author={Hisayoshi Muramatsu and Seiichiro Katsura},
    title={Design of an Infinite-Order Disturbance Observer Enhancing Disturbance Suppression Performance},
    journal={IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications},
    month = {May},
    AbstractThis paper presents the design of an infinite-order disturbance observer (IFDOB) to suppress disturbances including a periodic disturbance. An IFDOB includes the dynamics of a periodic disturbance to suppress it. However, a conventional IFDOB finds it difficult to suppress disturbances in the low-frequency domain. In contrast, a disturbance observer (DOB) can suppress disturbances in the low-frequency domain, however, it has difficulty suppressing a periodic disturbance. Therefore, this paper proposes a designed IFDOB that can suppress both a periodic disturbance and low-frequency disturbances. The proposed method is constructed by designing parameter γ of an IFDOB considering sensitivity and complementary sensitivity functions. Simulations were conducted, and the validity of the proposed method in a practical system was confirmed by experiments using a multi-axis manipulator.